Care to explain why/how you see that cognitive dissonance at work in people accepting evolution?
Is it also at work in religious people who accept evolution?
Anders Andersen
JoinedPosts by Anders Andersen
Confusing Opinions with Facts
by cofty inin a discussion about the best flavour of ice cream everybody's opinion is equally valid.. in a discussion about the shape of the earth or the origin of species everybody's opinion is equally irrelevant.
only objective facts and evidence matter.. confusing these two categories is a common feature of conversations in this forum.
people deserve respect, errors do not..
Anders Andersen
Confusing Opinions with Facts
by cofty inin a discussion about the best flavour of ice cream everybody's opinion is equally valid.. in a discussion about the shape of the earth or the origin of species everybody's opinion is equally irrelevant.
only objective facts and evidence matter.. confusing these two categories is a common feature of conversations in this forum.
people deserve respect, errors do not..
Anders Andersen
Where there is smoke, there is fire.
Sounds reasonable if you already know fire exists and creates smoke.
Without having first observed multiple fires creating smoke, this saying would never have been much popular.
As they say in some parts of the world:
Where there is smoke, there's a dragon. We know because our parents told us, and it says so in this old book...
Evidence for a Young Earth
by Perry infor additional information:.
for additional information:.
for additional information:.
Anders Andersen
Why not also quote from that very same article this part:
The crisis should not shake confidence in the scientific method. The ability to prove something false continues to be a hallmark of science. But scientists need to improve the way they do their research and how they disseminate evidence.
The article also proposes a solution: when new findings are presented, mutiple peer reviewed studies are needed to confirm the finding.
So, where are all the peer reviewed studies that confirm a young earth?
Or does your criticism and scrutiny only apply to ideas and conclusions that contradict your beliefs, while your own ideas can be confirmed by whatever?
Confusing Opinions with Facts
by cofty inin a discussion about the best flavour of ice cream everybody's opinion is equally valid.. in a discussion about the shape of the earth or the origin of species everybody's opinion is equally irrelevant.
only objective facts and evidence matter.. confusing these two categories is a common feature of conversations in this forum.
people deserve respect, errors do not..
Anders Andersen
or if a person witnesses something that happened and is asked to testify in Court about what that person knows is a true or fact-which is not an opinion, the existence of Jehovah for instance.
- It's well established that eyewitnesses in court rooms are highly unreliable. Without evidence to back up their claims, I would hesitate to just accept the testimony of an eyewitness, especially in a confusing case with high stakes. (There is no verifiable or measurable evidence Jehovah or any other gods exist)
- If multiple independent eyewitnesses can testify and corroborate the same observed facts, I would be more inclined to accept that testimony.
- If multiple witnesses exist, who all contradict each other, I would most likely not accept any of what they say (there are many contradicting testimonies regarding the number, names and natures of gods).
- If multiple witnesses exist, with the same story, but they had motive and opportunity to get their stories to match, I would likely not acrept their testimony if not backed up by evidence (within a single religion or group of religions, people have had centuries to compare notes. There motive is not wanting to be wrong).
Jehovah does not exist. Prove me wrong in a way that the courts would accept.
Confusing Opinions with Facts
by cofty inin a discussion about the best flavour of ice cream everybody's opinion is equally valid.. in a discussion about the shape of the earth or the origin of species everybody's opinion is equally irrelevant.
only objective facts and evidence matter.. confusing these two categories is a common feature of conversations in this forum.
people deserve respect, errors do not..
Anders Andersen
It must be said: your post above is reasonable and makes some sense, regardless of you being tired :-)
The process of evolution as an explanation for the observed facts (the facts that cofty presents in his series of posts) might be subject to change and revision.
Highly theoretically speaking it might even be that some day so many other facts come to light that a completely new theory to explain all observed facts is accepted. That is how the scientific process works.
However, there are so ridiculous many observed facts that all support the theory of evolution that it is highly unlikely (as in virtually impossible) that it is wrong. Hence that scientists, who are cautious doubters by nature and profession, dare to label the theory a fact.
Are there any observed facts that contradict the theory of evolution? If they haven't been found by now, what is the chance they will be found in future?
On the other hand, we have the folks that say 'God did it'.
Those that claim 6 literal creation days have to explain away a massive amount of contradicting evidence by uttering a confused non-explanation: 'it's a miracle, God did it anyway'.
Those that claim some sort of intelligent design or guided evolution have (while their ideas cannot be tested and thus can't be disproved) zero, nada, nil evidence to support their claims either.
So while I get the distinction you make between fact and theory, there is no practical application for that difference when speaking about evolution. That theory is so well established that we might as well call it fact.
And I always wonder why people who can't accept evolution because they think the evidence doesn't point there, accept God as a fact while there is no evidence pointing there at all..?
Help - I'm going to be conducting the watchtower study
by Saltheart Foamfollower init looks like i'm going to have to take the watchtower study for a while so i thought i'd seek help.. i wont be outing myself or stating anything too controversial, but so far i have come up with the following tactics : 1) ask questions which will get people thinking even if it is about something insignificant - developing a questioning mind is the key to discovering ttat as far as i am concerned.
2) highlight any extreme points so that some might realise they are extreme.
3) highlight any good points - helping others in need for example - just because it is the right thing to do.. if anyone has any general comments which could help, please post them here.
Anders Andersen
Good luck!
Make sure that an accomplice is recording video if you ever go out with a bang ;-)
Does the governing body know what they are doing?
by Gefangene inwhat do you guys think?.
are they only some uber religious zealots or do they pursue hidden agendas beyond religiosity?.
Anders Andersen
They might know whay they are doing today, but they are completely clueless as for the future consequences of what they do and decide today.
And how could it be any other way when people talk to a non-existing entity to receive unclear guidance...guidance they are supposed to come up with themselves???
All 2016 Convention videos in English and all Talk outlines for download
by Watchtower-Free inall convention videos in english and all talk outlines for download.
Anders Andersen
I expect a whole new generation of dubs to hide literature in their walls, basements and attics in anticipation of the end.
What literature? They don't print any....
Dutch branch refuses to meet with LGBT rights organization.
by Anders Andersen inin the wake of the anti-gay cartoon, the coc (dutch lgbt rights organization) invited watchtower netherlands to discuss how watchtower is dealing with lgbt people in their ranks.
focus of the meeting would be on making sure lgbt jw feel safe and fully accepted.. today several newspapers are reporting that the branch declined the invitation, stating that they 'can't imagine lgbt jw feeling unsafe.
the branch won't talk to coc, but they might discuss internally with lgbt jw.'.
Anders Andersen
In the wake of the anti-gay cartoon, the CoC (Dutch LGBT rights organization) invited Watchtower Netherlands to discuss how Watchtower is dealing with LGBT people in their ranks. Focus of the meeting would be on making sure LGBT JW feel safe and fully accepted.
Today several newspapers are reporting that the branch declined the invitation, stating that they 'can't imagine LGBT JW feeling unsafe. The branch won't talk to CoC, but they might discuss internally with LGBT JW.'
Articles in Dutch:
Confusing Opinions with Facts
by cofty inin a discussion about the best flavour of ice cream everybody's opinion is equally valid.. in a discussion about the shape of the earth or the origin of species everybody's opinion is equally irrelevant.
only objective facts and evidence matter.. confusing these two categories is a common feature of conversations in this forum.
people deserve respect, errors do not..
Anders Andersen
There is a reason we're debating semantics about evolution here.
It's because there is no Theory of Divine Creation to discuss.
It's because there is no such thing as the Law of Prayer we can argue about
It's because God has never been observed.